Country Wild is back!

Country Wild Returns!

Mark your calendars, because Country Wild returns to the BC Wildlife Park's amphitheatre  on June 17, 2023!

Nice Horse kicks things off at 7:15pm with Aaron Goodvin hitting the stage at 8:30pm. 

Doors open at 6:00pm and the beverage garden will be open from 6:00pm - 9:30pm.



Where Do the Proceeds Go?

Fundraising never sounded so good!

The BC Wildlife Park is a non-profit signature tourism experience within British Columbia that welcomes thousands of visitors from around the world each year. We are proud to welcome all guests, and we strive to be as accessible and inclusive as possible for everyone.

The current playground is greatly in need of a complete transformation. It is our goal to create an inclusive playground which will provide all children will a place to come together and explore play-based learning, surrounded by some of British Columbia's most iconic wildlife. All net proceeds from Country Wild 2023 will go towards turning this goal, into a reality.


The Details

Ticket prices do not include day admission to the BC Wildlife Park. Please note access is limited to the Amphitheatre and Great Lawn only. There will be no in and out privilege.  Please note no outside food or beverages will be permitted; however, empty water bottles can be brought in and refilled inside at a water refill station. You are welcome to bring your own lawn chairs, cushions, and blankets to maximize your comfort.

Until May 1


Regular Pricing


At the Door


Prices do not include GST . Children 2 and under are free. Please note as this is an after hours special event, annual passholders do not receive complimentary admission. 


Tickets are on sale now!