Please use the form below to report any animal welfare concerns.
Your information will remain anonymous.
Thank you for taking the time to submit a concern to the BC Wildlife Park's Animal Welfare Committee (AWC). The BC Wildlife Park has a firm commitment to ensure that animal welfare is our highest priority. The purpose of the AWC is to support our philosophy of "connecting people to BC's wildlife and wild places in order to encourage a sustainable society within a health natural environment", and to support our mission of "encouraging the appreciation of and respect for BC's wildlife, and to assist in preserving biodiversity through education, research, captive breeding, and rehabilitation services". We ask that you complete the entire form, leaving only optional information blank, if desired, to ensure we have enough information to initiate the animal welfare concern process. Once completed, the form can be submitted and it is sent to AWC team email. Instructions: Name, phone number, and email is optional, though strongly encouraged. All other sections must be filled out in its entirety, unless otherwise noted.
Section A: Contact Details
Section B: Urgency Criteria
If you marked yes to any of the above, your concern may be categorized as urgent at the onset of the review process. *If an animal is in a life-threatening situation, please immediately contact Animal Care Manager Tracy, at, General Manager Glenn, at, or a veterinarian.
Section C: General Information